hujung tahun telah tiba

Pejam celik, pejam celik dah pun sampai hujung tahun kan. Terasa seakan masa cepat berlalu.

Seperti tahun ini, saya sekali lagi menyandang guru kelas untuk anak-anak yang berusia 3 tahun bersama kelas yang lebih besar dan luas.

Gementar itu yang saya rasakan sekarang. Entah bagaimana anak-anak dan ibubapa yang perlu saya tempuhi kelak. Apa yang penting pada waktu ini saya perlu mendekorasikan kelas saya supaya menjadi tempat yang menarik untuk anak-anak saya kelak. Harapan saya anak-anak ini akan gembira untuk datang ke sekolah kelak dan berharap ibubapa meletakkan kepercayaan kepada saya untuk memdidik dan membimbing anak-anak mereka.

Besar harapan saya untuk mendapat kerjasama dari pihak ibubapa, tanpa kerjasama dari ibubapa maka sukarlah untuk saya meneruskan misi saya.

Semoga DIA memudahkan segala urusan saya kelak.

di post yang akan datang saya akan paparkan kelas saya sebelum,semasa dan selepas di ubah suai.

Samapai bertemu lagi. daaaa~


hello everyone,
how are you? how your days? hope everything will be okay and successful.
after long time i did't post anything it does't mean i forget about my lovely blog.

what happens to me to me now? anyway i become a teacher again now i still teaching little small hero and heroin for my country. i teaching international preschool. after around 5 month i struggle in my family project. i try my luck to find job in education, and i so lucky in one week i got job and starting after 3 days interview.

my first class are 4 years old children. honestly it so difficult for me, some more i just replace teacher. but after 6 month i in that school, they give my own class i teaching 3 years old children even more adventure but for me they need me to know new world without mummy and daddy at school.

in 3 month from beginning i almost feel give up from my job. its not easy to understand small child different language, race and country. but i motivate myself to go back to my mission. i want they understand new world, i want they independent, i want they become polite and become good person.

from that motivation, i got inspiration to continue my job. until now, end of year i complete my mission and i proud to myself. thank god always with me went i fall down in my feeling, went i lost my strange.

if i can give my world to someone, i will give it to my family. not in one time i feel to give up from this job. but they always by my side to make me feel comfortable and i was so lucky girl in world got them as my family members.

after one year i give my services in this school, i will continue for next year. i planning to further my study so i will work until i get the offer latter. please pray for me okay. >_<v

i think i will stop now. thank a lot readers. hope you will have happy ever life. see you in other post. smile always. ta ta ti ti tu tu.

a lot of love from me. ^_^